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- Minor bug fixes
- Free real-time online fund transfer to more than 80 banks member of ATM Bersama and Prima in Indonesia
mobileBRIS is a sms-based mobile application to access your BRISyariah IB saving account anytime and anywhere. This mobile application helps you to do fund transfer, prepaid reload, bill payment, and donation payment (Zakat, Infaq, Shodaqoh, Wakaf, Qurban).
mobileBRIS is using binary SMS technology to make sure the user security and convenience. Though it’s using SMS gateway, this application manages you to send the encrypted messages and PIN verification without saving on your devices’ sent items. Don’t worry to lose your notification transactions messages of mobileBRIS, all your messages are securely saved in mobileBRIS’ inbox.
To get started, you have to register smsBRIS (BRIS SMS Banking) first at the ATM BRIS or BRISyariah branches.
If you are a non-financial registered user, you can do transactions such as:
1. Balance inquiry
2. Transaction history checking
3. Inquiry Billpayment
4. Change PIN smsBRIS or mobileBRIS
If you are a financial registered user, you can do non-financial transactions and financial transactions such as:
1. Interbank account fund transfer
2. Reload Telco and PLN Prepaid
3. Telco, Telkom and PLN payment
To be a financial transactions user, you could kindly come to BRISyariah branches and activate the financial transactions.
After make sure you are a smsBRIS registered user, you can download the latest mobileBRIS application available at Android Market for free.
Requirements: Requires Android OS 2.1 or later.
*This app is limited to Telkomsel, XL, and Indosat user
** SMS charges are depend on telco provider
*** Dual sim cellphone is not recommended
For further information, please contact callBRIS at 500-789 or visit
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